5UNITS MIAMI.buffalo is 1-11 when the total is posted at 35 or less. Face it bledso finds way for the other teams to win.
5 units green bay. green bay is 7-0 after monday nite games. i know that they have problems in a dome but face it. if gb loses; it's time for farve to look at retirement. for what is worth; head coach is going to call the game.
3 units cinn. Clev was 1-4 last year when the total was posted3 to -3
2 units atl. sandiego 3-8 after under dog win at home. will post more later
5 units green bay. green bay is 7-0 after monday nite games. i know that they have problems in a dome but face it. if gb loses; it's time for farve to look at retirement. for what is worth; head coach is going to call the game.
3 units cinn. Clev was 1-4 last year when the total was posted3 to -3
2 units atl. sandiego 3-8 after under dog win at home. will post more later